My Garden is my escape


  • Located in South-East lower Michigan, USA
  • USDA Zone 6a (I treat it like Zone 5 due to cold winters)
  • Started in 1993
  • Lots of deer pressure
  • Moderately wet in Spring (March-May)
  • Typically dry and hot during the summer (July-August)
  • Majority of property is partial-shade, shade

a Garden for All seasons


The Spring growing season is unpredictable in Michigan. Spring in my garden is greeted with hellebores, daffodils, trout lilies, and snow drops. The blooms on the Forest Pansy red buds are always a highlight of the season.


By mid June, my garden is coming into its own. The summer months are filled with Annabelle hydrangeas, Japanese maples, phlox, and biennials like Rose Campion (Lychnis Atrosanguinea).


As the growing season winds down, the Japanese anemones bloom in shades of pink and white. The Annabelle hydrangeas have turned bright green and the leaves change colors. My garden takes on a golden glow in Autumn.


Evergreens are the focus of the Winter garden. Even under a blanket of snow, the garden still looks inviting. It’s filled with cedar, boxwood, and yews to provide structure while the garden sleeps.

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Pollinator-friendly flower garden in my front landscape
All Gardening Articles | Gardening | My Garden

Build A Remarkable Pollinator-Friendly Flower Garden

Are you ready to roll up your sleeves, get your hands in the dirt, and make a real difference for our little buzzing friends? Building a pollinator-friendly flower garden isn’t just about planting pretty flowers; it’s about creating a place for the creatures that keep our world in bloom.