How I Selected the Plants for My New Island Border

This season I am installing an island border that will be filled with deer resistant shrubs and perennials. This is part 2 of the project where I share how I selected the plants that I am using in the new island border.

I purchased all the plants from a local, family-owned nursery called Masaab Acres. For a $75 Delivery fee, I had all the plants delivered right to my driveway. The most exciting part of any new garden projects is the day the plants arrive.

The plants I chose are deer resistant perennials. I plan to spray the Japanese maple with deer repellant because I’m not willing to take a chance in case the deer didn’t read the “Deer Resistant” memo.

Planting Sketch for the New Island Border

Part 2 Video: How I Selected the Plants for the New Island Border

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