Things I Need to Get Done in the June Garden
My June Garden To-Do list looks a lot like my May Garden To-Do list. I failed to take into account COVID-19 shipping delays. I got spoiled being able to order things and have them arrive within a few days. That’s not the new normal, and that is perfectly okay.
I delayed the front garden project until later in the season. I want to finish the paths, and I decided it’s a good idea to understand the light conditions in the front yard so I can select the right plants. Picking the right plants will reduce the maintenance and water required to keep the garden looking good.
Here’s my June garden to-do list.
1. Continue to Keep a Garden Photo Journal
This simple task is one of the most important things I’m doing this season. It helps me document the speed of change in the garden. Especially during Spring. Once the weather warmed up, it felt like everything appeared in a single day. Photographing these changes each week allows me to notice the subtle changes. It’s helping me slow down.
It’s also helping me improve my photography skills. There are no substitutes for good lighting, correct white balance, and consistency. I haven’t mastered any of these skills, but I feel like this project will help me improve.
2. Install Stone Path
I ordered the patio blocks and leveling sand for our paths. They are due for delivery on June 8. The blocks are a dark slate grey color and measure 24 inches x 24 inches square. I decided to plant Sweet Woodruff and ground cover around the edges of the blocks instead of gravel. This little change reduced the cost of the project.
3. Plant Patio Containers and Window Boxes
I’ve moved all the plants I started from seed out into the garden. I’m planting our containers and window boxes with the plants that I grew from seed. I’m also looking at plants in the garden now to see if anything will make a nice container plant.
Using the plants that are available and not going to the garden center is proving to be a great creative exercise. I’m learning so much about what grows well in containers and how to propagate new plants.
There you have it. My simple list of things to do in the garden this June. I’d love to hear what tasks you’ve got planned for your garden this month. Happy gardening!