My Simple Gardening Credo
10 Things I’ve Learned About Gardening

I wrote down a list of why I garden. It’s my gardening credo. It directs the work I do in my garden. I want to create a space where I can slow down and escape the stress of the daily grind. This space is much more than a bunch of pretty flowers.

Shade garden collage - My gardening credo

I think gardens have the power to change our world. Creating a beautiful home and garden is important work. My garden is a space where I can express my creativity, find calm in a crazy world, and simply slow down.

My Gardening Credo

1. I believe that extraordinary beauty often hides in plain sight. Train your eyes to marvel at the ordinary miracles unfolding around us.

2. I believe that a garden is a place where our hearts find rest, and our minds find peace. It is an escape from the chaos of daily life.

3. I believe in the healing power of nature, where the simple act of planting a seed can bring profound joy and a sense of purpose.

4. I believe that every garden is a canvas, and every gardener an artist, providing inspiration and honing our creativity.

5. I believe that tending to a garden is an act of love, a way to nurture not only plants but our own spirits and well-being.

6. I believe that a garden connects us to the rhythms of creation, reminding us to slow down and savor each moment of growth and change.

7. I believe that a garden is a reflection of our dreams and desires, a place where we can create a space filled with beauty and tranquility.

8. I believe that in the quiet of the garden, we find clarity and inspiration, and our minds are free to wander and wonder.

9. I believe that every bloom tells a story, and by cultivating a garden, we become storytellers of nature’s wonders and our own remarkable journeys.

10. I believe that in the act of gardening, we cultivate not just plants, but also patience, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life.

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