“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
— Chris Maser
Kindness matters. Never under estimate the profound impact you can have on others with a simple smile.
I was reminded of this when my Mom shared her excitement with the Physical Therapist at her assisted living apartment. He is helping her learn how to use her new walker. She tells me, “he is always nice and tells me I can do it.”
I’ve become more aware of older people these days. My goal is to smile more, listen more, and put my phone away. Love can save the world.
Now onto some garden fun!
10 Fun Things I Found This Week
1. I stumbled onto a great website called Growing With Plants. The author is Matt Mattus. Over the past 3 years, Matt has been growing 6-8 annual vines in containers each year to see which ones he loves most. I’m trying this next season.
2. I have a confession. I get frustrated when “Influencers” on Instagram feature wholesale plants. Most home gardeners can’t buy plants wholesale. So it is with caution that I share the amazing 2022-2023 plant catalog for Terra Nova. I can’t buy anything in this catalog either 😂.
3. Here’s a great list of 15 popular small trees under 15 feet tall that are perfect for your home garden.
4. Here’s a helpful list of invasive plants you shouldn’t buy. I’ve got one in my garden and it’s a huge mistake to plant vinca minor 😉.
5. Wreath season is here and if you want to know how to make the perfect wreath bow, check out this YouTube video.
6. I love learning about gardeners from the past. I’ve started collecting stories on my website.
7. Here’s a great interview with the garden designer Wambui Ippolito. The part I loved most was the list of her favorite gardening tools. I bought this Kusakichi Nejiri scraper because of her.
8. Flower Magazine shared a list of great gardening books published in 2022 that would make great gifts for the gardener in your life. Even if that gardener is you!
9. Shade gardening isn’t easy. Here’s an article sharing some tips to make gardening in the shade a little easier.
10. Jennifer Smith wrote a great article about how she inspires people to grow more natural gardens with a focus on replacing turf.
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