How To Correctly Plant a Container Grown Arborvitae

This season I replaced my Snowball viburnum with an Emerald green arborvitae. The Snowball viburnum was infested with Viburnum leaf beetle.

I finally admitted it was the wrong plant in the wrong place and removed it. I planted an Emerald Green arborvitae in its place.

The most common mistake made when planting trees and shrubs is to plant them too deeply. I made a video showing how to plant a container grown arborvitae.

Properly planting trees and shrubs will ensure they get off to a good start so you can enjoy them for years to come. This video will give you a few helpful hint to properly plant an arborvitae.

Helpful pointers for planting container grown trees:

  • Locate the start of the root system and never plant the tree below this point.
  • Prepare the roots before planting. Container grown trees are often severely root bound.
  • Ensure the base of the planting hole is firm and supports the root ball.
  • Add mulch using the 3-3-3 method (3 inches of mulch, 3 foot diameter around tree, 3 inches between the mulch and the trunk.

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