How I’m Using My Camera to Document My Garden Journey
I had big plans to keep a garden journal this season. You can read all about it here. The truth is I’m not a journal-keeper. The idea suits me, the actual tracking of small details in a timely manner seems to be where things fall apart.
I need another way to document my garden and I think I found the perfect solution. My camera.
This year I am taking photographs from similar locations as the garden grows. I’m trying to take photos once a week. That hasn’t always been the case, but I’ve compiled enough photographs to know this process is perfect for me. It’s helping me figure out details like:
- Plants that are crowding out their neighbors
- Sections of the garden missing color
- Bad arrangements of textures and shapes
- How plants are impacted by a dry season
I create a photo collage for each main section of the garden and try to take my photographs from a similar location each time. The photo collages focus on the Mary garden, the backyard garden, the side garden, and the front of the house.
In order to keep track of my photographs, I file them in a single directory called “Libertiny Garden” on my computer. I created subdirectories based on the dates the photographs are taken. I took a screenshot of my file structure for reference in the image below.
I thought I would share a few examples of my photo collages in case this is a technique you want to use to document your garden. It’s easy to do and incredibly helpful. I can reference photographs in the future to help me plan changes for the upcoming season. Best of all, the photographs are easy to find and view.
I hope you found this helpful. If you use photographs to document your garden, I’d love to know if you’ve found any tips and tricks you can share in the comments below. As always, happy gardening friends!