10 Fun Things I Found This Week

1. If you want great gardening advice, you’ll love Linda Chalker-Scott’s Washington State University’s page debunking gardening myths and providing better insight into popular gardening techniques like cardboard sheet mulching (warning: this PDF has to be zoomed on your phone).

2.  Hellebore season is a great time to familiarize yourself with hellebore leaf spot.  Hellebore are tough plants, but they aren’t immortal.

3.  The Garden Professors wrote an incredible article about the gardens of Chernobyl 30 years after the world’s worse nuclear disaster. Nature is amazing!

4.  The new L.A. Rams’ SoFi stadium, where this year’s Superbowl was played, is surrounded by a public park. This is way prettier than an asphalt parking lot.

5.  A lot of YouTubers think garden how-to videos are a modern thing.  This 1928 silent movie about growing a garden proves that isn’t true.  Stay for the end of the video to see the time lapse bean seed footage.

6.  Cole Haan has shoes made from dandelions. The WWII back story is fascinating.

7.  If you want to know the best way to over winter Boston ferns, you’ll love this article. I could have saved money if I read this 3 years ago.

8.  Who’s kidding? Gardening in shade is hard.  If you want a great resource on Shade gardening, check out what the Royal Horticulture Society has to teach about Shade gardening.

9.  If you’re new to soil blocking, I’m told this man has all the answers.

10. This article captures some excellent thoughts about gardening education and the challenges gardeners face trying to find good, sound advice. This article got me thinking. I’d love to know what you think.

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